Think & Pray for Lent

Wednesdays 9.30-11.00am via Zoom March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, April 5
The Difficult Words of Jesus: A Beginners Guide to His Most Perplexing Teachings by Amy-Jill Levine
Abingdon 2021, ISBN 978-1-7910-0757-7 or 978-1-7910-0758-4 (ebook).
We love the sayings of Jesus. There are some, however, that are difficult to understand - what do they mean, what are they about? In our Wednesday THINK & PRAY Zoom group, we've already appreciated many of Amy-Jill Levine's insights and descriptions. She's now done the same with The Difficult Words of Jesus. The sessions include A-J (as she says she likes to be called) exploring the meaning of selling all you own, hating father and mother and being a slave of all. How might we understand and practise this teaching today? A-J is a first class New Testament scholar, approaching the NT as a Jew. She is direct, presents the stories in a clear, straightforward way, and is always personable.
We will share in morning prayer, listen to a short pre-recorded video presentation by A-J and then share thoughts about what we've heard and read. While not a requirement, it is useful to acquire the book for yourself and read the relevant chapter before we meet, a relatively easy read of about 25 pages.
Even if you've been a member of Think and Prayer before, do please register again. This is a new book and the group is starting afresh. I will usually send out a new Zoom link for every session the day before we meet. If you'd like to be included in this group, please complete this form:
Think and Pray Lent 2023 booking form
If you'd like some more information please contact Barry - email:
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