Worship Resources
During the current crisis we will endeavour to post links to resources that you may find helpful as we find new ways of worshiping together, and supporting one another. Please keep looking as we will keep updating this page.
If you come across something that you have found useful then please email the office: Contact us
From the Watling Valley:

Watling Valley on Facebook Live every Sunday evening at 8pm with a service of Night Prayer
Worship Resources:

From the United Reformed Church
Roots for Churches (Resources for All Ages)
Together @ Home (Resources for families)
Live Streaming:
The Church of England Live every Sunday at 9am
St Martin's in the Field Live every Sunday at 10am and with Morning Prayer daily at 8.30am
The Diocese of Oxford Live every Sunday at 10am
Swan Bank Methodist Church Live every Sunday at 10.30am
Methodist Central Hall Live every Sunday at 11am
Wesley's Chapel, London Live every Sunday at 11am