Thought for the week - 5 December 2021

Thought for the week - 5 December 2021

Thought for the week - 5 December 2021

# Thought for the week

Thought for the week - 5 December 2021

Malachi 3: 1-4;
Philippians 1: 3-11;
Luke 3: 1-6

O God, the creator of wild people who speak dangerous words of prophecy,
we need to hear your risky messages once again.
In our decadence, we are disillusioned and clothed in sorrow,
craving new garments to wear.
Our ways of living have imprisoned us.
Our ways of loving have diminished our souls.
Our ways of leading have sent many astray.
Cane we endure your purifying love?
Yet still we covet your unpredictable presence afresh amongst us.  Amen.
Taken from Alternative Collects © Graham Turner 2018


This week in our Advent journey we are waiting with Peace.  At first glance when we think about this we think of the Peace of the world, and many of the readings during this time from the prophets like Isaiah point to this idea of peace and harmony between and within nations.  As we look at the world today, we can still see the need for this and many people work, out of the spotlight, as peacemakers, building and restoring relationships between individuals, groups and countries. We think of Christ as the Prince of Peace and we long and pray for that peace and those prophecies to become a reality.

But as I reflect this week on the idea of peace in relation to the readings that are set, I can’t help but think there is also a very different type of peace.  An inner peace, which we often neglect partly because it may feel selfish or just more difficult.  It’s easier to focus on others rather than looking too deeply into ourselves.  Yet, if we ignore our inner peace how can we expect to be peace makers.

Inner peace for me is about us being content within ourselves.  For some of us our anxiety levels have increased exponentially, especially over COVID, we find ourselves worry about everything and anything so much so that effects all that we do.  There are various things that can help ease our anxiety from breathing exercises to going for a walk with a friend, to name just a few.  These things can help to bring some inner calmness, some inner peace.

Then there is the feeling of guilt and the whole area of forgiveness which has a massive impact on our inner peace.  Whether that’s the inability for us to forgive ourselves or forgive others, every time we say the Lord’s Prayer we ask for God’s forgiveness and for the ability to forgive those who have hurt us.  This isn’t always easy but unless we can know forgiveness and find a way to forgive others then it will be harder, if not impossible for us to find that inner peace which God promises us.  Both Luke and Malachi talk about the need to put ourselves right with God by seeking forgiveness.  When John was baptising people in the desert, they were seeking forgiveness for turning away from God and that act of baptism was a physical way of knowing they were forgiven.  But I wonder how many of us when we confess our sins and hear words of forgiveness are able to let go and fully know that forgiveness not just in our heads but in our hearts as well.  What does it take for us to truly know that we are forgiven children of God, that when we truly confess, we know that the slate it wiped clean and that God sees us as beautiful, perfect, and whole children?

I would like to suggest that during this next week, as we wait with peace, we spend just a little time thinking about our inner peace and knowing that you are truly forgiven, loved, and blessed by God.  To help you let go of the guilt you may like to try some symbolic action, like holding a stone and then throwing it away or writing it on a piece of paper before destroying it.  You may like to talk to someone you trust, or you may like to go to confession, something that is more part of the catholic tradition.  Do whatever works for you, whatever brings you that inner peace.

As we continue our walk with God, may we experience that sense of calm and peace we get when we truly know that we are blessed children of God.

Mike Morris

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