02/07/2024 0 Comments
Knit, Stitch & Natter
Knit, Stitch & Natter
# Social groups

Knit, Stitch & Natter
The Knit Stitch and Natter group originally started as St Mary’s Kneeler Group in 1998 as a Watling Valley Millennium Project. The group over the years has made numerous kneelers for St Mary’s, all have their own individual design. They were commissioned by members of the congregation to remember those who have passed away. They reflect their various interests from being an artist, love gardening, trains, rugby and many, many, more.
It has now come to the point where we have sufficient kneelers for St Mary’s, with some still in production, so we have diversified to include other crafts, sewing or knitting or you can just come for a chat with refreshments.
There is a current project producing a cushion for the bishop’s chair which is in the Lady Chapel at St Mary’s, it is in memory of Bishop Thomas Jenkins who was born in Shenley Brook End in 1871 and became a Bishop in the Episcopal Church in the USA.

The Bishop's chair awaiting it's seat cushion

We are a small group and usually meet in each other’s home or at the Shenley Wood Retirement Village on alternate Wednesday's at 10am but of course at the moment we are all at home, we have contact details for each member so we can speak to each other and catch up with the work we have in progress.
For more information please click here.