02/07/2024 0 Comments
Theological Reading Group
Theological Reading Group
# Prayer, Bible study and discussion groups

Theological Reading Group

Starting on Thursday 12 September, we're starting to read THE BIBLE WITH AND WITHOUT JESUS: HOW JEWS AND CHRISTIANS READ THE SAME STORIES DIFFERENTLY, by Amy-Jill Levine and Marc Zvi Brettler (HarperOne, 2020).
Each of these authors is highly respected in New Testament (NT) studies and approach the text with sympathy and insight. They read the NT as Jews, fully aware that Christians read it differently. They also bring insights to reading the Tanakh (roughly, the Old Testament) in a way that enlightens and challenges an exclusive Christian reading, so that readers are encouraged and offered insights to grow in faith.
The Theological Reading Group (TRG) is a forum where anyone with an interest in discussing ideas from a variety of spiritual and biblical writers finds a welcome. Our name was chosen to indicate the books chosen are to do with our faith, rather than being novels or other works that might be chosen by a community book club. This group is for anyone who likes to explore, wonder about and share their understanding of the Christian faith.
If you'd like to join us, please click here.